A couple of years ago, I dropped the resolution setting because I rarely remembered them 2 weeks later unless it was because I was failing miserably at keeping them. In 2011, I started the year with some new ideas, from a door, of all places.
And because I reflected on them often, I’m using them again for a new year and I have a couple of reasons for that.
Looking back at 2012, it was great year in bits and pieces. Any day that I was blessed to wake up and spend time with those I love is a good day and I do not want to take anything away from that. However, 2012 included many months of health problems. My symptoms began gradually in late 2011 and I finally got my answers in late July 2012. I enjoyed a few weeks of feeling like I could tackle anything because my energy was through the roof and I was feeling better than I had in a very long time. Then I got my sick in the middle of October and I only got worse. These past few days off work and resting have been extremely beneficial in recovering from 9 weeks of sinus/flu/bronchitis/pneumonia with a separated rib. So looking back at 2012, my health and fitness were not shining beacons of glory. I daresay that my mental health has suffered along with my physical health.
The few things that kept me from spiraling down to a dark place I never want to go again were my family, my friends who have no idea how much they mean to me, and Stephen. He and I have weathered some rough years and there is a lot of truth that strength grows from adversity. No matter how bad things were, how bad I was feeling, the nights when all I could do was cry from rib pain, or the frustration of not being able to run, or the adverse affects of gluten contamination, he was there for me. Never judging or showing his frustration at my rapid change from peak of health to weaker than his own mother.
So I have high expectations for 2013. I feel like 2012 was a year of being stuck. It’s time to get moving.
Give yourself a perfect day.
Do what makes you happiest.
Look upon what gives you joy.
Reach out and touch someone.
Laugh today.
Speak to those who warm your heart.
Listen to that which lifts your spirit.
Surround yourself with sights and sounds and people who give you peace.
Over the next few days, I’ll narrow down a few specific goals with specific plans. I need more than one day to get my goals in order. I need a New Year’s WEEK
But no matter what I choose to focus on, I think this applies to anything and everything.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose…..You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!” ~ Theodor Seuss Geisel