Spring has definitely sprung and that means our school garden is ready for some harvesting!
We are so incredibly fortunate to have a school garden funded by Schoolyard Roots (formerly the Druid City Garden Project). This partnership brings a fully functioning school garden for teaching all the students about gardens, based on the state standards. The staff at SYR works with us in a co-teaching partnership that is fantastic. The kids REALLY enjoy their garden days.
This spring, Kindergarten grew sugar snap peas and rainbow carrots. They learned about plants that need a trellis, how to make a furrow, what plants need to grow and what happens if there is not a balance with the resources. In this picture, we talked about why the rainbow carrots were not ready for harvesting. The incredibly wet and cold April weather play a big part in this discussion with 5 year olds.
Then, it was time to harvest and taste the results of their efforts. They also watched Mr. Chris make a really good yogurt dip and helped him read and measure the recipe.
Happy Spring!!