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It’s FALL!!

I had to wear a sweater this morning.

For people who live below Tennessee, this is HUGE. It means maybe we can stop sweating within 5 minutes of walking outside. I bought new boots yesterday so I had to check out some Pinterest and Instagram to figure out how to wear them. Apparently, I can’t be “basic” until I get this part right. I have almost everything else covered on that list (and have for a while…”fall” in the south is not my first rodeo…)

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Before I wrestled with my in-between-sizes wardrobe to go with my snazzy boots, I ate this. Lots of bacon. Speaking of bacon…my last total cholesterol test was 146. However…times are a’ changin’ when it comes to total cholesterol. Stay tuned.

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Before THAT, I tried my new glucose monitor. I LOVE this little thing. The only drawback is that it’s a little thing. I need to find a better place to keep it other than the bottom of my favorite bag. As inexpensive as they are, I will be getting a second monitor and second bottle of strips. My costs have been cut in half with both of these. I just need to test it against my doctor. Reviews are glowing with those who tested it in the doctors’ office so I’m not worried about it. What I am worried about is my number. My fasting glucose is 195. It has dropped in the 3 days that I cut sugar. My headache and irritability are skyrocketing but I know it will pass in a few more days. This is the worst part of the whole thing.

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High blood sugar=Bring my own food. Ignore the sugar. That’s my plan.

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InstaPot is a winner. It stays on my countertop with my most treasured appliances. That 25 minutes cooked a whole chicken. A WHOLE CHICKEN.

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These 5 chicken breasts from raw to this in 8 minutes. And I love using a pressure cooker. I’ve used a stove-top one for years but I hate the high-maintenance part of it. And the fear that the top will blow off and scald my face off for life. That part is a little tricky. However, this electric one is so easy to use. Plug it in. Put in food. Push buttons. Walk away.

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This happened.

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And this is tomorrow. Pajama Day. Best day EVER for teachers. This beats the last day of school.

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It’s fall and I’m happy again.