September is a big turning point this year. It’s a new month, new season, and a reset. Although the weather still shows summer, September is the start of meteorological fall, according to James Spann.
Meteorological spring includes March, April, and May; meteorological summer includes June, July, and August; meteorological fall includes September, October, and November; and meteorological winter includes December, January, and February. These seasons were created for meteorological observing and forecasting purposes, and they are more closely tied to our monthly civil calendar than the astronomical seasons are. (source)
Naturally, fall means apples, pumpkins, and warm things. I bought some Pumpkin Spice coffee this weekend, so this morning I decided to break back into the coffee routine. I have missed it and maybe if I turn the AC up enough, I can pretend I feel fall weather.
Another routine I desperately need is making and EATING good healthy food for lunch. The Kindergarten lunch is moving along a little faster, the stress at school has DRASTICALLY decreased, so it’s time to take advantage of the opportunity to actually eat my lunch, not grab an apple and french fries while standing. I made a bowl of Mexican chicken soup, apple, almond butter, carrots and orange. This was GOOD! I froze a couple of bowls of this for later.
I teach in an after-school tutoring program on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and do not get home until 6. It keeps me busy and the extra pay will come in handy for knocking down a student loan, race fees, Paleo FX!!, and a lens..or two..
Anyway, dinner was fend-for-yourself. Stephen and Frankie fought over bacon and salsa with chips. I bought a loaf of Gluten Free bread for the first time in a year or so. I wanted crunch grillled cheese and apple. The key is a med-hot pan, room temperature cheese, and butter. I sliced the cheese before doing anything else. Getting a perfect browned crunchy bread AND melty cheese is hard to balance. I like letting the cheese come to room temperature while fixing everything else helps a lot with this.
Busy days, wishing in the fall weather with spices and smells (candles forever, y’all), and a new start to a new month, new school administration, new year of marriage have made this a great start to September.