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Friday night with Lola and Mom’s Baby Food Cake

I had a great Friday and felt like doing something different. So, let’s bake a cake.

This is my favorite cake recipe. I call it Baby Food Cake but it’s real name is something boring like “spice cake”. I remember clearly making this many times growing up. It came from the Bell Cookbook which is my most favorite one. It is a regional Mississippi cookbook but it’s very much loved by my family. By the time I left home for college, Mom’s copy was broken into parts. She had three places to look for recipes:

  1. The parts of the Bell Cookbook
  2. A paper plate recipe holder that I made in elementary school
  3. Issues of Quick Cooking magazine. When I left home, I took this recipe and wrote it down and still use it now, 16 years later (holy cow, I’ve been out of high school 16 years???).


So, first, eggs and oil/applesauce. I used 1/2 cup of each and 3 eggs


Sift the dry ingredients-1 C of flour, 1/4 C of sugar, and spices-allspice, cinnamon, cloves.


Throw in Lola with the wet ingredients and add 2 t. of vanilla to mix.


Pour into greased pan. This pan was Mom’s. She gave it to me when I moved into my first apartment. It has made many baby food cakes. I will use it until it falls apart.

bundt pan pour

Bake 325* for 1 hour.



One slice to make sure it’s still as good as always 😉


And that’s one of those those good memories from growing up in small town Mississippi!


Sunday 7th of March 2010

cake looks yummy....


Sunday 7th of March 2010

The original name was prune cake because we used baby food prunes. Your daddy would not try it so I called it a spice cake. :)


Sunday 7th of March 2010

Yum! Your cake looks and sounds delicious! I recently made up a muffin recipe with peach baby food, they turned out awesome! I may have to bake this! Thanks!