Can I be honest?
I’m not feeling it this week. I am struggling to get past the flu and my only favorites right now are whisky cough syrup and a tub of Vicks.
However, I do have a few things that I’m loving right now. There may be a theme but just go with it.
1. Slipper socks
You know what these are, right? They are fuzzy socks that have these little rubber dots on the bottom to grip the floor so you don’t do an involuntary Risky Business Tom Cruise slide. Because we all know that a Tom Cruise slide should be INTENTIONAL! I have a few pairs of these and I have been using them a lot lately. It’s not cold enough for fuzzy boots, but just cold enough for socks on the wood floors. I got all of them from Bath and Body Works but I think they are a seasonal thing late in the year.
2. There’s an oil for that.
Full disclosure: I sell Young Living oils to myself.
I was the biggest doubter of those things and laughed at anybody who claimed hippie oils could make a difference other than smelling like funky patchouli. BUT, my sister made a believer out of me when my very young nephew showed up for Christmas without his backpack of nebulizers, inhalers, bags of meds, etc. She had tried oils as a last resort and she found nirvana. She and I and then my nephew have been cursed with chronic sinus infections and upper resp. infections for years. When my sister and mom gave me a few bottles for Christmas a year ago, I decided to go big or go home. Specifically, I’m using Thieves and various Eucalyptus blends.
3. The best bubbles on the planet…so far.
Going with the eucalyptus theme, I stumbled upon this nifty combo of Eucalyptus Spearmint from Bath and Body Works years ago and I’ve been using it ever since. I love the pillow spray. It’s such a clean fragrance that doubles as a snot-clearer. Sexy, I know. Then, mom gave me the Massage Oil, probably due to the snot-clearing effects of the pillow spray. She’s a sucker for a happy marriage, so I’m sure she had high hopes of us using the oil together..nudge wink. I never told her that I just pour the oil in my bath water and enjoy alone. THEN, the miracle of all miracles. Luxury Bath in Eucalyptus Spearmint. I love this stuff so much, I buy a bajillion bottles of it on Black Friday. When I planned these shelves for the bathroom, my only measuring tool was making sure my bottles would fit on the bottom shelf. Nailed it.
4. Leggings.
These are LuLaRoe and they are super comfy for days when I don’t feel like wearing adult pants. If you don’t have a LLR dealer, I can absolutely guarantee that the “super soft” leggings at Walmart are great. They actually last longer than a few of my LLR, for a fraction of the price.
That’s all I’ve got for now. Hopefully, by March, I’ll be back to normal. Until then, pass the oils and Kleenex.