This month, I’m aiming for 3 things to accomplish. I was full of energy and optimism in January. Then I got sick. Now I am putting on my “Get real” hat. For the newer folks, each month, I write down on paper in front of God and everybody, things I need to get done. This is February’s list.
Home: Clean the garage so I can park in it. This will probably have more work for Stephen, but I’ve got a pile of stuff sitting in the garage and I need to sort it and store it. We’ve been in the house 3 months and we are still parking outside.
Blog: 2 posts a week. Seriously. Between trying to work and not use any more sick days and teaching after school and still working on house projects, I’m barely functioning by 8pm each night. 2 posts. TOTAL each week. Better the spread them out than to get bogged down by tons of drafts that I never finish. I’m not developing recipes because I’m sticking to what is in the freezer and what is familiar. My camera is broken and the iphone just can’t do the same magic. Food photography is on the back burner.
Read: As many books as I can get my hands on. This one will be easy. I’m way ahead of the Goodreads challenge and I plan to stick with it.
I guess what I’m basically saying is I need a either a Do-over for February or just skip it altogether. It hasn’t been kind to me so far.