Normally, everybody is all geared up for January 1st to start a new program, new lifestyle, new habit. I have great intentions, but I find that January 1st excitement is fleeting. I know how January can be for me. Stale. Dark. Way too busy at school trying to get through mid-year testing, setting up intensive groups, meeting after meeting after meeting. January is not my optimal time to start post-holiday Whole 30. Remember, I know how rough a Whole30 can be…
What did I do to prepare?
I did a micro version of my usual meal-prep. A big meal prep in an RV kitchen takes a lot of time. I used my slow cooker (chicken soup) and my Instant Pot (bone broth) along with the stove to make some lunches and get a head start on dinners (batch of garlic ground beef and seared chicken thighs).
In the freezer, I have about 15 Whole30 meals that I’ve been preparing along the way. I
I also have stocked up on my antidote to Kryptonite. LaCroix is my only thing that has worked in quitting Coke cold turkey. I have it everywhere. I have cases at home, at school and a case or two in Elvira.
I have some Whole30 emergency food. That comes in very handy when I leave my lunch at home.
I also have my food planner to write it all down. Something about a pen in hand, having to write “fail….had a coke”. The pen and my LaCroix are without a doubt, my 2 saving graces about this whole thing.
What do I want at the end of 30 days?
This may be the first Whole30 that I do not expect a scale number change. I had already lost around 40 lbs by the end of October. I put a few more on during the holidays but my smaller sized clothes still fit me, some a little too snug, but nothing obscene. I do not have a fat loss goal with this.
I have the huge goal of eliminating the sugar dragon. That’s it. That’s all. The rest is already done. I do not eat gluten grains. I rarely eat legumes. I do enjoy dairy but it won’t kill me to sans the cheese or sour cream. Alcohol is a whatever.
Sugar is my demon.
Day 1 on begins Feb. 1st! For more up-to-date daily info, I’ll be at my Instagram @katrinaruns. I will include my days’ food and thoughts here in the daily review post. (Usually posted in evening. Topic posts and recipes will be posted mornings).
Happy Whole30!