This is the last week of the Whole 30! While I am looking forward to adding back in a few things like chocolate, I am curious to see how adding back in grains will affect me. But, I have another week of lean protein and all the fresh veggies I can eat!
Sunday: Shrimp and stir fried broccoli
Monday: Salmon with roasted veggies
Tuesday: Bacon wrapped beef, house fries (sweet potatoes)
Wednesday: Crock Pot Pork sirloin with Kale, parsnips, carrots
Thursday: Eating out: Chipotle!
Friday: Shepherd’s Pie
Last week a GREAT week with 4 CrossFit workouts. I hope to get another 4 days of CF I’m setting high goals!
Monday: Full rest. I’m tired and still sore.
Tuesday: AM CrossFit
Wednesday: AM CrossFit, PM running 3 miles
Thursday: AM CrossFit, PM running 5 miles
Friday: AM CrossFit, running rest day
Saturday: Play in snow!!
Sunday: Long run 7 miles.
The only thing I want to focus on this week is WATER WATER WATER. Maybe if I only make 1 goal, I can focus on it.
Can you believe, this weekend will be the middle of February?? Where is the time going?