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The Blender worth writing home about. TRIBEST (review)

It’s not small secret that I blend.  a lot. I blend shakes, smoothies, green monsters, purple monsters, and even ice cream milkshakes.

And I would love to say I do all this in the name of good health.

But puleeze.

I have unholy thoughts towards my blender. It’s that good.

I cast many a wandering eye towards the almighty Magic Bullet. I admit those commercials almost had me. Then again, I really did believe that Mighty Puddy could pull an 18 wheeler or suspend a cinder block with just a tiny piece of the stuff. But I digress. Those infomercials were breath-taking!!

But I put my foot down and stomped to Amazon and found my true pride-and-joy in the blending department.

I only have one thing to say that sums the whole thing up.

It blends ice.

Enough said.

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