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That Didn’t Take Long

2016-02-25 21.50.33

That took approximately 2 hours.

 We had spent the afternoon taking pictures and signing forms to officially put the house on the market Monday morning.  About an hour after we left, we got a phone call from our realtor. Another realtor had a client want to see the house. Keep in mind, our neighborhood is “out in the country”. It is literally carved out of a pine forest about 20 miles from downtown Tuscaloosa by road, about 14 miles direct. This other realtor had shown his client a house with our same exact floor plan. The colors were a little harsh in that house and they saw our newly hammered-in-the-ground sign and wanted to show it. Our realtor explained that it wasn’t officially on the market yet and they agreed to come see it at lunch time. We just got the offer and it’s a decent one and we are taking it.

Talk about a whirlwind! Only now we have to find a place to live right now. We thought we would have a while to show this house and find a new place but as of today, our house is contracted to someone else.

Now is the time to slightly panic.