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Return to CrossFit

Processed with VSCO with a1 preset

It’s been almost 2 years since I last consistently enjoyed CrossFit and I have missed it tremendously.

In 2 years, I’m noticeably weaker. Running is fantastic for what I love about running. It’s “my” thing. But, it doesn’t keep me strong. Not only do I notice how much weaker I am, I notice my posture is more stooping, my back aches more than it should, and my running isn’t as easy because my core is about as strong as a stick of room-temperature butter.


Aside from the usual hesitations to joining CrossFit (money…time…lack of bandaids at home), my main hesitation was the social factor. I am basically starting all over again. My weight is high, my strength is abysmal, my confidence is in the toilet. Many workouts will have to be scaled WAY down for me. Literally can’t jump on a box right now. Add that to the things that used to be easy for me.

Processed with VSCO with a1 preset

This morning’s workout (or WOD in CrossFit-speak) was supposed to be an ease-back-into-it type of workout. Running and medicine ball cleans which actually means squats with a medicine ball. I could do both of those things so I decided to go for it and return to CrossFit.

the-cure-crossfit-memeNeedless to say, I may need a day or 4 to recover from my first day back.

More to come in the next few weeks!