It seems the beginning of the year struggle continues. For the first time, my round up of items read in a month includes 2 magazines. I needed 2 magazines to fill my personal quota of 6 books a month. I know these magazines do not count in the Goodreads book challenge, but they work perfectly in my graphic so they’re staying.
Also…I’m so far behind in reading and life and keeping myself fed and bathed and alive that I don’t have any filter left in my fingers. For more respectful reviews and less of my true thoughts, google for more book reviews. Seriously, don’t even look back at mine.
If you’re from the south and you’ve never glanced at a Southern Living magazine while waiting at the doctor’s office, you’re missing out. It’s full of vacation homes nobody could ever afford, food that nobody has time or talent to cook, and articles about privileged white people that cause intense eye rolling. However, it’s my guilty pleasure magazine because I do get ideas for travel. When we get a honking camper or a cheap deal on AirBnB, maybe we’ll expose the upper crust society to the unwashed masses that I roll around with. I also like to read the articles about football, chicken salad, and the budget sundresses…yet I still would never pay that price.
Runner’s World is my magazine jam. I love to read about all the people more talented and motivated than I am. I feel so much more athlet-ish after a hot bath or a couch-chips session while reading Runner’s World. The Ask Miles section is incredibly good. I love sarcasm font mixed with barely disguised disdain for the peasant runners that crawl around the back of the packs in races.
Now on to the real reviews about books I might not have finished but have good intentions to do so.
Whiskey in a Teacup. Reese, you delight me. I love your book voice. I love to look at your Draper James clothing line. I seriously love that name…Draper James. Could there be a more Southern name? (Both are family names…grandmothers I think). However, I do believe Reese has forgotten her Tennessee roots. Poor hill people can’t afford a $400 dress. It’s a cute dress…but 400 bucks goes a long way to a vacation out west. Or fried bologna sandwiches with Cheez Whiz.
Daisy Jones and the Six. Just read it. Seriously, don’t worry about reading reviews or blurbs or figuring out if it’s your preference. Then let me know what it’s about because I haven’t finished it yet. (But what I’ve read is FANTASTIC!!)
Before She Knew Him is a book about a girl who didn’t know a guy and then she did. The cover looks all mysterious and thrillish. It was perfectly photographed for the Book of the Month website. It arrived in a pristine blue box with the Signature book maker so monsters like me will stop turning down page corners. The tightly-wrapped cellophane had that all-too-familiar smell of chemical stew/burned hair. I hope I have time to read this soon.