No favorites today. This is a reflection post on the last day of school and start of summer for us.
Just like the first day of teacher training in August, my friends I teach with in Kindergarten met up at City Café for the last day of school breakfast. Whenever we have these days that are “teacher only” days, we try to meet up at 7 for breakfast here. This is a long-time traditional stop in historic downtown Northport. Here, you seat yourself and pick out your breakfast favorites or your lunch meat-and-3. They start shooing people out after lunch so they can close.
We truly are a college town. Even the bridges remind us. This is a good time to share that 98 days remain until the first football game. And yes, I’m keeping up with it. Football is the start of fall which is the start of pumpkins and the kickoff to the holiday season. I’m so ready. The house is not…..but I am.
Last year, I had to remove every fragment from this room so they could rip up the carpet and stain the concrete. This year, my room will be used for summer programs so I didn’t have to do much but shove a few things behind curtains and clean off my desk. I even left the magnets because I just didn’t want to erase the last bit of learning in this room . I am doing a whole new theme next year and so this will be coming down in July.
Summer is here and since we are not traveling out west…first time in 9 years we won’t travel…..I’ll be working on overhauling my classroom, finishing the house, and finally getting this blog where I want it to be. I have some publishing opportunities coming up and I’m looking forward to having time and space to really work on my writing. Happy Friday!