I saw a great recipe for EASY chicken enchiladas.
Throw frozen peppers and onions in the crock pot. Check.
Add Chicken breasts. Add seasoning. Add a can of roasted tomatoes. Check.
Cook all day and come home to a fantastic dinner smell. Wrong.
The power went off for a minute and when it came back on, the crock pot did NOT. I have a pot of vegetables and raw chicken. Gross.
I love the digital features on these because I need a pot that will turn off and shift to warm after a few hours. On days when we both work, neither of us get home until after 6pm. I can’t have a crockpot on for 12+ hours. So this is a big drawback.
Now for pumpkins. I carved this for the kids. They were appropriately disgusted by the seeds and pulp.
I’ll try the recipe next week and report back!