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Bourbon, Broccoli, and Better Times Ahead.

It’s Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday. I wish I could jump to 3pm tomorrow and get my weekend started! I’ve got a packed weekend of all things fun. Family reunion early Saturday, Alabama-Arkansas game, football food plans, and long nap on Sunday after church. At some point, I have to do school work, but I’m not dwelling on that right now. OH and the weather is supposed to make a big change for cooler weather. I’m ready for front porch sittin’ with cool weather and hot coffee.

I pulled a quad muscle Wednesday so this morning’s workout only included hitting the snooze button and grabbing some frozen peas. I hate I had to miss 20 minutes of as many burpees and sit ups as possible. So tragic. I’m sure tomorrow’s workout will be something equally torturous.


Dinner was fabulous. I had some bourbon glazed salmon just waiting patiently for cooking. I roasted broccoli then dressed it with lemon and parmesan cheese. Cheesy herb potatoes completed the course.

But first, I tried caramelized onions. This took about 45 min. on low heat. The key was keeping it low enough to cook but not fry or burn.

onions2 onions3

after about 20 min                                                 45 min later



broccoli broccoli2

toss with oil, salt, pepper, minced garlic                Cook 425 for 25 min. Add lemon juice & parm


Heat milk, cream cheese, green onions and garlic.  Pour over cooked, mashed potatoes.


Dinner is served. These are my green plates from Crate and Barrel. I had so much fun picking these out in Denver. I can’t really decide what was the best on this plate. I forgot how good roasted broccoli can be.



Friday 24th of September 2010

Very excited for cooler weather. I'm sure yours is similar but our weather forecast has a high of 73 for Monday!


Friday 24th of September 2010

yumm those mashed potatoes look awesome