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Weekend starting line

It’s late Thursday and I’m looking at a great weekend that WILL NOT involve any doctors, IV ports, sinus treatments, Michelin Man look a like contests, or fiery throat remedies. I’m pretty excited about that. I’m tired and sore from a run and 1 CrossFit workout but that is so much better than the past 4 weeks. Huge. I feel good. Cue James Brown. Happy dancing around the kitchen and no I will not post pictures. 😉

I love a good pizza. I love trees. I don’t love things that grow on trees on my pizza. I like the big separation between my two loves. But I blame the Famer’s Market for this experiment. Who knew a basket of figs would inspire anything that resembled edible?


That basket of figs. It was so pretty and I knew my very limited experience with figs might be an injustice. I brought home a fig plant from school many many moons ago. Dad planted it. We had no idea it would grow as tall as the house. Forever. The thing is still standing and my father has taken great pains to make sure it still stands. Like telling the bulldozer people who cleared the land and the old house that they had to somehow clear around this tree that was spitting distance from the back door. And they did it. It still produces metric tons of figs and if anybody walks outside barefooted (we all do. It’s the country, folks. We walk without shoes) they will get a squishy foot treatment of figs.

I knew there had to be a better use for figs than a pedi fig bath. I used some of the local sausage and arugula to make a pizza. I’m still a little shocked I made a pizza without a tomato sauce.


Fig Sausage Pizza.

1. I layered goat cheese, red onion, and mixed greens(arugula, spinach) on a wheat pizza crust.


2. Add cooked sausage and sliced figs.


3. Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes.

pizzafinal copy

pizzaagain copy

Don’t knock it until you try it. The spicy sweet combination was really good and I want more of these. And more uses for fresh figs. 🙂


Thursday 20th of October 2011

My mouth is watering over here! Can't wait for fig season to arrive again in my part of the world.