Wow!! I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am blown away by the fast response to the Ainsley’s Angels campaign! By the end of the day yesterday, the MS chapter had reached their goal and they will receive an additional jogging stroller. I want to send a huge THANK YOU to everyone who made a difference by participating in the Facebook push. Now I’m going to focus on our Tuscaloosa/Central AL chapter. We need a few hundred more people to click that like button so we can get another jogging stroller for our area. If you want to help with this, click here and like the page! MTT Ainsley’s Angels of Central Alabama.
This weekend, Captain Mollie and her Angels from the MS chapter will be in Tuscaloosa for the Tuscaloosa Half Marathon. I can’t wait to meet some of the ladies from my home town who have organized this chapter for Mississippi. It’s going to be a BEAUTIFUL weekend and I look forward to seeing Captains Mollie and Kylie “Rolling with the Wind”!
Thank you again to anyone who responded over the past 24 hours. It has been very exciting watching the FB likes add up to something HUGE for our kids and adults who will have more opportunities to cross a goal finish line….those who run with their heart, not with their legs.
****ETA……WE DID IT!!!! Both AL and MS chapters reached their Facebook goal and both chapters will receive their jogging strollers!******