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Hills of Hell Spring Sprint Workout

This week, I’m focusing on getting out of the comfort zone. With this sprint workout, muscles are guaranteed to burn and tears may fall freely from wind-chapped faces. I’m talking about myself, here. I feel like I’m emerging from a long winter’s sleep due to the haze of cough medicine and pneumonia fog. And with the weather finally feeling better, I’m having a hard time finding excuses to skip out on outdoor workouts. Except this workout. I bet I can find plenty of excuses and that includes washing my hair. This one is a doozy.

hills of hell 

The best part about this workout is when its over. It’s not for the faint of heart and the intensity depends 100% on the incline and length of the hill. Start with a bunny hill, and work up to the Big Kahuna. I have an 18 mile trail race in 8 weeks so I’ve got to get busy burning up the hills!