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Under Armour What’s Beautiful: Be Relentless

In my introduction post about the Under Armour What’s Beautiful campaign, I talked about Indomitable will.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. -Mahatma Gandhi

This leads into being relentless. I’ve used that phrase several times over the past few weeks while thinking about this new focus, new direction I’m taking. What does that mean? Be RELENTLESS?

Relentless: showing or promising no abatement (decrease) of

  • severity
  • intensity
  • strength
  • pace

When I think of relentless, I think of Olympic athletes. They train for years, without stopping, even during injury. They have a goal and they do not let anything come between that goal. For some, the goal is to GET to the opening ceremonies.

I also think about parents who juggle home, work (offsite job or stay at home), and kids. I do not know how some of these humans achieve so much on so little sleep. Its because they are relentless. Nothing is going to keep them from their family goals, personal fitness/health goals, or job goals. They juggle it all and they strive to find a balance to all these parts of their life.

I think of the college students who want to do more than just party for 4 years. I see so many college students who are out there going to class, going to work, volunteering their time in community service, and in their spare time, work on some tough health goals. Some of the most motivated people are these kids who are going non-stop to reach their goals.

What about me? I don’t have kids. I’m not going to the Olympics. I’m no longer in college.

In a few words, this is what I am striving for.

Relentless: Better than yesterday.

It’s about working on those goals I’ve set out in my UA profile.

It’s about working on setting small goals to reach the big ones.

It’s about working on self-acceptance and leaving doubt at the door.

It’s about making each day count, with my family, my job, my personal goals.

Over the next few weeks, I will update my What’s Beautiful journey by going deeper with  these facets of being relentless and making each day count. This has been a fantastic campaign so far and I’m learning so much about What IS Beautiful from my fellow Fitfluential Ambassadors. Together, we are redefining the Female Athlete!