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The New Neighbors-Book Review


What a fantastic ride!

I honestly wasn’t expecting to like this book as much as I did. The first two chapters laid the foundation for dual POV in present day. Lately, most dual POV are alternating years, as well as points of view. This one was written like a journal but wow, did it just get better and better as the chapters moved on.

Jack and Syd think they’ve nailed a great deal on a home purchase. Things seems to just fall into place for them to move into a place with tons of space and character. It seems too good to be true. Starting with a startling discovery in the attic, questions arise about the house. Then the supporting characters make their debut and the story just explodes in action.

The rest of the book deals with the various issues that arise with the house and the people living around them. Questions come up with possible answers of paranormal elements, sketchy people elements, plain ol’ coincidences, and/or blasts from the past coming back to the present. Just when I thought I had something figured out, Simon Lelic took me down another path. There were events that I never saw coming and I LOVE that about a thriller. I was kept guessing the entire time.

There are issues dealing with domestic violence and child abuse. These were heartbreaking and completely necessary for the plot. There were moments I had to take a walk around my house double-checking doors and windows. This was a tense, creepy, thrilling book. The character development alone is worth reading the book. I wanted to find Syd and knock some sense into her in one chapter and then drive a get-away car for her the next chapter. And Jack just needs some quiet time on a resort island for awhile. His nerves are shot.

This was a perfect read for a dark and dreary day. Thank you Edelweiss for the ARC!