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tuesday happens

The bad news is I didn’t realize it was tuesday until about 2 this afternoon. The other bad news is the day has been the worst day of my summer. It was so bad, I went to the school to work in my room around 2 pm because I couldn’t stand to be in the middle of the misery at home….a broken computer and a sick cat. I’m happy to say Summer is over and I go back to work tomorrow (voluntary..we don’t start contract until Friday). Maybe the good fairy will be kind to me the rest of the week.

It all started yesterday. I was happily working away on my nephew Jackson’s FIRST BIRTHDAY.


I can’t believe the kid is already 1 year. As I was working, my computer got REALLY slow and started shutting down programs. That’s red flag for close down quick and update virus protection. I’ll save all the gory details but basically, a google redirect virus ripped a ton of trouble through my computer. I worked for hours to get it pieced back together and this morning I thought I had it all worked out. Blue screen of death decided to come out and play. And now, after a bunch of tears, a patchwork gimpy dell is all back together except for a trashed internet drive. I’ll send it off to magic computer guy next week to see if he can fix it or wipe it and re-install. I’m very glad I got all my pictures, documents, and music on an external HD so I didn’t lose anything.

But I hate technology. Except when I need it.

THEN, I happened to notice Frankie hasn’t been doing his litter box business. I panic even though he’s frisky and playing every now and then. One quick call to the vet and Frankie’s yanked off to visit him. Other than the fact he has a lot of shedding hair, he’s in perfect health. He even lost a little weight since he was there in the spring. Little faker. But he’s got 72 hours to do his thing or he goes back to get some “help”. Talk about a malfunction in the afterburner.

THEN, (oh yeah, tuesday has been saving up for today. I’ve enjoyed quite a few weeks of great tuesdays, but wow. Never let the tuesday guard down.), my IT band decides to just tighten up to the point it hurts to sit. SIT. I’ve got a marathon to train for. I can’t go back to IT band issues. I’ve got new shoes, perfectly broken in. The only thing I can think is that I’ve been walking around barefoot when I’m not running or CrossFitting.

So there you go. 3 big important things in my life, in limbo. It’s a good thing Stephen was agreeable to grilling some burgers for us. I think he’s figured out that back-to-school chaos is about to kick in. And he knows a rapidly unraveling girl when he sees (hears) one.


I want to hide in big paper bag.


Wednesday…be nice.


Thursday 4th of August 2011

I just found your blog through another blog (Thin Thighs & Sweet Potato Fries) and had to comment on the IT band issue. When I was training for my marathon, my IT bands would get incredibly tight - made running and training incredibly difficult! I started foam rolling and it helped tremendously. I swear by it now! Foam rollers are relatively inexpensive at sports stores like Academy and you can find basic techniques to roll your legs through Google. It's now a part of my daily routine and I haven't had any more issues...knock on wood!

Hope the rest of your week has been better than Tuesday! I hate it when I have a day where everything that can go wrong does.


Friday 5th of August 2011

Thanks for stopping by! I'm a worshipper of the foam roller. In fact, this blog started out in '08 as a sanity blog while I was going through 9 months of PT for severe IT band problems, hip stress fracture, and overall leg jacked up-ness. The only problems I've had since then are some pain here and there at the hip where the IT band connects there. As long as I foam roll and keep doing HEAVY lifting to keep the hams/quads/butt muscles strong, then I'm able to keep my IT band tracking where it should. When I skip a few strength workouts, I can feel it tracking wrong again. I think Tuesday's problem was standing on concrete all day after being out of the classroom all summer and after sitting in a chair for 14 hours trying to fix the stupid computer. It felt GREAT today when I ran. :) I honestly never thought I would be able to run a marathon, but after 2 good years post PT, I'm going to attempt it.


Wednesday 3rd of August 2011

I hope today is better for you!


Friday 5th of August 2011

Thanks! It was a better day and tomorrow is Friday so it's uphill!