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Sick Sunday, swishing, salmon, and soup.

I feel like death warmed over.

So why not soup? And after going to the doctor and getting my beloved “shot cocktail” which wires me up and makes me feel like a million bucks for about 12 hours, I got the house clean, laundry done, homework done, and then crashed for about 10 hours. Of course now, the shot has worn off, and the antibiotic is taking his sweet time getting a hold on this infection.

Oh, and if the doctor ever offers you a “magic mouthwash”….don’t. Just don’t. He said it was for my throat which was so bad, they tested for strep. He said it would give it a brief relief from the pain. Sure, I thought. Why not. Well, the bottle said “swish and swallow”. I swished. I swallowed. I drooled..for 2 hours. The main ingredient is Lidocaine. A numbing agent. What’s the deal, man!??? No kidding, my lips felt like two rubber rafts squished in my mouth. I couldn’t feel a darn thing, much less when I was drooling on myself. Jeeze, I think I’ll take the red painful throat. I couldn’t drink much because I would get choked. After that dilemma, I went to take a nap and hoped I didn’t drown myself.

When I was done with all that, I threw some soup together. I won’t lie. The thought of using my purple is what motivated me to cook soup. If it wasn’t for that, I would have just opened a can. Okay, maybe I would have cooked soup, but I wouldn’t have the gleeful grin that I wore while doing this.

le crueset

So pretty. I love love love this. 5 quart Le Creuset in Cassis(fancy smancy name for purple) only from Sur La Table.

veggies herbs

Veggies                                                                            Fresh parsley and sage from the garden!

soup soup2

sautéed’ veggies before the broth                             A touch of lemon for my throat


For dinner, I threw together a potato casserole in the crockpot. It was the standard, southern, hash brown casserole.

I wasn’t in the mood for any heavy food to go with the potatoes, so I baked some salmon with dill and lemon.

salmon salad

This, along with the spinach salad really perked me up. I felt much better, although I couldn’t really taste anything. Thanks, mr. magic mouthwash dealer.


I’m taking tomorrow off from Boot Camp. I signed up for 4 days a week, so I’ll still get my days in. I’m coughing bad now and it’s still painful to move much.


Tuesday 4th of May 2010

I hope you feel better. If it's any consolation, your pictures are really pretty.