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Colorado Springs: Are all REIs created equal?

Before we got on the road to Breckenridge, we stopped at Walmart. It seems most walmarts are about the same. We drove 1300 miles to see if that was true. And other than more fishing and camping gear, they are the same. This one even had the green expandable water hose, both brands. The “As Seen on TV” display looked as junky and picked over as the one in Alabama. I picked up some face cleaner, magazines, and marshmallows. Stephen got a fishing license for Aspen and Telluride. We sure know how to live it up on vacation!

Next was a quick stop into REI for freeze-dried meals, socks, Nuun tablets, Honey Stinger beans, and a hat for Stephen. This is one store that I could spend hours exploring. The bike section alone is overwhelming.

Whole Foods Pike’s Peak is a little different. It’s smaller than Birmingham and that includes a smaller salad/hot bar. We still found the things that I absolutely cannot forget.

Like these.


And lunch.


The lunch view was foggy. Behind that fog bank, a huge mountain stands. wholefoodslunch

We finally finished up the shopping for last minute things and got on the road to Breckenridge. On the way out of town, I remembered a Colorado Springs tradition we have: Starbucks.


And this one is NOT like the ones in Alabama (or MS or TN). This one had Stephen’s favorite blend right there on the shelf, waiting to be ground. My family and I have searched the stores in 3 states looking for Yukon. I usually have to order it each Christmas for him. Today, we grabbed this one up. It was the only one left. Photo Jun 05, 1 41 58 PM

Now that we have all the forgotten things, full tank of gas, and lifting fog cover, next up is the drive to Breckenridge!